This page provides occasional updates on racewalking happenings in the metro Denver area

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Upcoming Judged Races

HART Tune-Up #1
10K and 5K race distances
WHEN: April 25, 2009, 8:00AM
WHERE: Niwot High School Track, 8989 E. Niwot Road Niwot, CO 80501
Reg. Fee: $10
Register at the race--no advance registration.
Volunteers needed for lap counting, timing, card running, etc.

HART Tune-Up #2  (Note Date Change)
20K, 10K and 5K race distances
WHEN: May 24, 2009, 8:00AM
WHERE: Niwot High School Track, 8989 E. Niwot Road Niwot, CO 80501
Reg. Fee: $10
Register at the race--no advance registration.
Volunteers needed for lap counting, timing, card running, etc.